The Buile Hill Mansion Association are looking for donations to their Christmas Food and Gift Collection which will support local charities during the festive period.
The collection will take place at Buile Hill Park’s Sensory Garden on November 21 in aid of the Salford Survivor Project and Salford Food Parcels.
However, if individuals are unable to attend on the day, the Project have an Amazon Wishlist as well as the option of dropping off items at their Peel Green shop.
All donations will support local people this Christmas, as many have been hit by both the Coronavirus pandemic and the reduction in Universal Credit.
Jennifer-Anne Smith, Chair of Buile Hill Mansion Association, said: “We’re getting really good engagement [right now] and we’re so well supported by the community.
“We thought let’s support Salford Food Parcels again and ask for Christmas themed food.

Permission given by Jennifer-Anne Smith.
“Obviously if you go into a food bank, it’s still going to be Christmas, so any party food, or anything that’s Christmas related [would be nice].
“Salford Survivor Project is a local charity working with people fleeing domestic violence in Salford, so their Christmas gift appeal is for all ages.
“We thought let’s just see what we can get for both organisations”.
With The Rotary’s recent Wrap Up Salford Initiative being a huge success, the Association managed to collect a number of clothes to help the homeless in Salford.
“Every time we do something, we are absolutely blown away by the support that we get.
“While we don’t need the things, we can use our platforms and ask our supporters to also support other local initiatives.The amount of people that Covid put into food poverty, and the reduction of the £20 top-up from Universal Credit, is horrendous.
“When everybody was put on furlough – a 20% drop in wage put a lot of people into poverty, and that’s why there was such an increase and demand on food banks.That’s how close people live to the breadline.
“[I also] work really closely with the Salford Survivor Project and all the amazing work that they do – people that flee domestic violence leave with nothing at all.
“The community is amazing. I am dead proud to be from Salford – they support us, so let’s ask them to help us support the people in Salford that really need it.
“Honestly, they say that Salford people are the salt of the Earth, and the amount of support that we’ve received is incredible.There is a real sense of community in Salford, and that’s why we obviously want to keep doing events, because of that”.
The two chosen charities are not-for-profit and are therefore local people choosing to help others.
Smith added: “These people work tirelessly to help people, so, for us, supporting them supporting our local people just makes sense. It’s not getting easier for people, so it’s more important to just try and bring a bit of joy back.
“After the rubbish 18 months we’ve had, I think it’s really important to try and help everybody at least have a nice Christmas”.
Salford Food Parcels are looking for Christmas related and party food, for example, this may include mince pies, cakes or biscuits.
Whereas, Salford Survivor Project are asking for presents for all ages, with an Amazon Wishlist full of suggestions.
The team can be found at the Sensory Garden every Sunday from 10 am until 12 pm. However, they also have volunteers that could collect any donations if needed.
More information can be found on their Facebook page.
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