Salford’s Yemeni community is encouraging all who are to receive the Covid-19 vaccine as pop-up vaccination clinics begin to roll out across the city.
The Yemeni Community Association in Greater Manchester, based in Eccles, hosted a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic recently where over 75 people were vaccinated.

Amongst those given the jab, Wagdi Hadrian received his one year to the day from being in hospital fighting the disease.
He said: “Covid is real, it’s not a joke.
“I was in intensive care for about six days on a ventilator, in hospital a total 13 days, and ill for quite a while afterwards.
“I’m now very well, look after my health, and would advise everyone to take the vaccine.”
The clinic at the Yemeni Community Association is one of many being delivered by the Salford NHS Vaccination Service.

Over the next few weeks they will be working in partnership with various community groups to reach the most vulnerable people living in Salford, including the homeless, people seeking asylum, refugees, and other minority communities.
Community development officer for the Yemeni Community Association, Amir Ahmed, said: “We work mainly with the Yemeni, Bengali, Indian and African communities, but also with asylum seekers and migrant communities who may not be getting the message about the importance of the COVID vaccine because of things like lack of digital media or access to the internet.
He added: “Our first clinic went extremely well and we do intend to keep working closely with the NHS to hold more clinics in the future.”

Dr Van Selvaraasan, clinical lead for the Salford NHS Vaccination Service, said: ‘’Recent studies have shown much greater vaccine hesitancy among people from some ethnic minorities.
“Prioritising vulnerable members of minority communities for COVID-19 vaccination, in particular those with health conditions and frontline workers, and recognising the role of local trusted sources of information could reduce the perceptions of risk of COVID-19 vaccines.”
Those currently eligible for the vaccine through the Salford NHS vaccination service include the over-50s, people aged 16+ who have underlying health conditions, and carers, both paid and unpaid.
People aged 45-49 can also book their vaccine through the national booking site. For more information, please go to
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