
Copyright- Tracey Gibbs

“Come and share the warmth of Salfordians”- artists create virtual reality hugs

Young adults and adults with a physical disability in Salford are being asked to share their memories of hugs to be developed into a 10 minute narrative told through theatre puppetry.

copyright - permission to use by Sophie McBriarty, the artist.

“It captures the real spirit of Salford and the dedication of our key workers” – Tribute to Salford’s key workers to be showcased by the Lowry

A painting paying tribute to Salford key workers is due to appear in the “Days like These” exhibition this February. […]

Emma Evans and her artwork, Photo Permission: Emma Evans.

“There’s no way I could sell it for me… I want to help the people sleeping rough” – Salford Artist auctions artwork for homeless charity

Local Artist, Emma Evans, is auctioning a piece of art this afternoon to raise money for Manchester Mayor’s homeless charity, […]

“I believe it’s right to put something back in life” – Florence Nightingale painting on sale for Salford hospice

“I believe it’s right to put something back in life” – Florence Nightingale painting on sale for Salford hospice

A painting of Florence Nightingale is being sold to raise money for St Ann’s Hopice which has a branch in […]