This year’s Santa Dash was a great success for its third year in a row. The event happened outside the Salford University Student’s Union and it was organised by the DSAS Events Team Leader, Graham Rimmer.
The charity run was an attempt to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society, last year they raised £500 and they are on track for it again this year. The run was 3km, starting from the the student’s union, along the river Irwell and it finished back at the same place.

Mr Rimmer said: “I know a lot of people that nominated Alzheimer’s society to be charity of the year. This is one of many events we do throughout the year. The Santa dash happens all over the place, Manchester London, Liverpool. It has a big impact on the community, it gets people away from their desks.
It’s good for mental and physical health, so its a good way to get away and people don’t have to run, they can jog, they can walk – all abilities. People sign up so that they can give back to the community and the society. Last year we raised £500 and this year we are on track for that as well. Between 30 and 50 people attend the event.”

The event was attended by students, the Dean of Salford University and members of the public.
Ian Dempsey head of financial accounts at the university stated: “I’ve been involved in the last few runs, its in a good cause for the Alzheimer’s society. Its a cause that most people have some kind of relative that is impacted by the Alzheimer’s community. Definitely get involved it’s a fantastic opportunity, it’s great to run with students and staff and its great to start your running career.”

The person who won the Santa dash is called Neil Fowler, who happens to be the Dean of students at Salford University. He completed the race in just over 15 minutes.
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