Salford is paying tribute to author Walter Greenwood on the 80th anniversary of his influential book ‘Love on the Dole’.
The book was published in the 1930s in the dark days of the Depression which followed the financial crash.
Author Chris Hopkins has taken an in-depth look at Greenwood’s influential book within his new publication ‘Love On The Dole; Novel, Play, Film’ which is set to be launched at Salford universities Clifford Whitworth library tomorrow.

Professor Chris Hopkins, from Sheffield Hallam University, said:
“I discovered that the University of Salford archives held a unique collection of Greenwood’s papers, many of which had never been studied so I was then able to write a really in-depth study of this influential writer and his most influential book.”

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party referenced the book during his visit to Salford Precinct last year whilst launching his election campaign.
Corbyn believes that the political situation mentioned within the book closely mirrors the issues and debates surrounding today’s UK government: “If I was asked to give a presentation to any Tory Minister I think I would give them a copy of Love On The Dole by Walter Greenwood”
Although Greenwood was a Salford Party candidate it wasn’t his work within politics he was recognised for.
Chris Hopkins says: “His writing helped alter Britain and helped the post-war Welfare State come into being.”
A free event hosting academic talks throughout the day will be held at the ‘Working Class Movement Library’ which is now acknowledged to hold one of the most important collections of historical material on radical working-class organisations in the country.
The event starts at 1pm and will run until 4.30pm.
To preview the book click here.
Photo credit: Victoria Jane Kalu
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