Tag: Swinton

Photo by Pete Green

Swinton Lions received visit from comedian and RFL President Adam Hills

Swinton Lions received a visit from RFL President and comedian Adam Hills yesterday, who attended the club’s 16-10 victory.  Adam […]

Image of Paul wood

“I’m really proud of them” – Swinton Lions Head Coach Paul Wood shares praise after narrow cup defeat

Swinton Lions head coach Paul Wood praised his young team after a narrow 18-16 defeat to Rochdale Hornets in the […]

Image by: Burst in People - https://www.google.com/search?q=negative-space-thumb-focus-studio-woman-artist-painter-crafts-paint-brush-art-beautiful-drawing-leisure-paint-painting&sca_esv=d607b7a43a2125f2&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB1148GB1149&udm=2&sxsrf=AHTn8zoPCzGxvOahi-WVtPsfiejn_e-Gnw:1739871968372&source=lnt&tbs=sur:cl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxqISV-MyLAxXHQUEAHXp2L28QpwV6BAgDECA&biw=1920&bih=953&dpr=1#vhid=k50HF6IO2sbtQM&vssid=mosaic

Women in the arts to be celebrated at a free creative workshop

As International Women’s Day approaches, plans across Salford are emerging to celebrate women’s creativity, skill, and contributions to the arts. The […]

Image Credit: Consilium Academies

“My team and I are very proud” – Academy trust of two Salford schools shortlisted for prestigious award

Two Salford schools of an academy trust are thrilled after being shortlisted for a prestigious award for their digital innovation. […]