Tag: Salford Red Devils Foundation

Courtesy of SRD wheelchair rugby head coach - Dave Abel

Salford Red Devils Wheelchair Rugby League team promoted to Championship West division

Salford Red Devils Foundation Rugby League wheelchair team have been promoted to the Championship West division a year after their […]

Image taken by myself

“I started at 10 years old…now I’m 72 and I’m still playing!” – Salford Red Devils exhibition opens at Ordsall Hall

A two-month pop up Salford Red Devils exhibition has opened at Ordsall Hall. The Salford Red Devils exhibition has a […]

Image Credit: Takudzwa Mudiwa

The Adventures of Captain Confidence – The book created for Salford kids by kids

START and the Salford Red Devils Foundation have teamed up with Primary school children to create a comic book that explores mental and physical health in children.