Tag: Mental Health

Image Credit: Takudzwa Mudiwa

The Adventures of Captain Confidence – The book created for Salford kids by kids

START and the Salford Red Devils Foundation have teamed up with Primary school children to create a comic book that explores mental and physical health in children.

Salford born organisation, Dance Like a Mother, tackles mental health crisis

Salford born organisation, Dance Like a Mother, tackles mental health crisis

Across the world, people are coming together today for World Mental Health Day 2019. Salford born organisation, Dance Like a Mother, is using this day to draw attention to the need for all parents to experience positive mental health.

"A big part of well-being is looking after the small details" - Improving health and well-being with SPACE in Salford

“A big part of well-being is looking after the small details” – Improving health and well-being with SPACE in Salford

The free mobile well-being room, SPACE visited Salford to encourage residents to take a moment from their busy lives and practice self care.