Tag: Manchester

Georgia Padfield (Permission to use from Georgia Padfield)

“I’m so close to one thousand pounds which equates to two hundred life saving phone calls for PAPYRUS” – The Salfordian who ran Manchester Marathon for mental health

Georgia Padfield, 25, ran the Manchester Marathon to raise money for PAPYRUS, a UK charity for the prevention of young […]

Parrot of Doom, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

2.8 million people, including Salfordians, set to benefit from The Greater Manchester Civic University Agreement

Parrot of Doom, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons The vice-chancellors of five Greater Manchester universities signed The Greater […]

IMAGE - First Year University of Salford Students head to protest against The Conservative Party
Taken by George Icke

“They don’t represent the whole population” – Protesters gather in Salford to protest Tory conference

Students from The University of Salford attended a protest against The Conservative Party amidst proposals to speed up student loan repayments.

Image: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash (Image requires no attribution)

“They’ll last a lot longer than an Easter Egg” – Wood Street Mission launches book appeal for Salford children

Wood Street Mission has launched their Books Forever 2021 Appeal, which asks people to donate brand new books for children […]