Search Results for "lockdown"

"I believe it's right to put something back in life" - Florence Nightingale painting on sale for Salford hospice

“I believe it’s right to put something back in life” – Florence Nightingale painting on sale for Salford hospice

A painting of Florence Nightingale is being sold to raise money for St Ann’s Hopice which has a branch in […]

Image credit: Olivia Mukerjea

“Lead to a society where littering is not behaviourally acceptable” – How a Salford litter picking group is inspiring the next generation

A Salford litter picking group is organising an art competition to teach children the negatives of littering.  Salford Litter Heroes is a […]

Staff at Yetti's Kitchen, Eccles. 
Copyright: Yetti Tabai

“Dance your socks off” – Eccles restaurant hosts virtual Christmas party

An Eccles restaurant is inviting customers to a virtual Christmas party tomorrow evening.  The African and British-style restaurant Yetti’s Kitchen, in Liverpool Road, […]

Copyright provided by Kate Hornsby

“It’s just great receiving donations, the children in Salford are so appreciative” A Salford children’s charity receive donations to continue their services during Covid-19

A Salford children’s charity has received a £2,000 donation which will be used to ensure children receive support following the impact of […]

Image Credit: Jade Hanley

“It’s like your own massive swimming pool” – Uswim prepare for open water event taking place this weekend

Open water specialists, Uswim, are preparing for their Christmas events which will begin this Saturday. Jade Hanley, who takes part […]