Search Results for "lockdown"

Photo credit: Fiona Heakin

“She knew they were watching her whilst thinking of their own sweethearts” – The diaries of a teenage girl living through World War Two in Salford

Fiona Heakin found her Mum’s old diaries from living in Salford during the Second World War, and has turned them into a book.   […]

Fiona Ledgard (centre). Photo by Sarah Cleave. Permission for use from Fiona Ledgard.

“I love creating fun sessions where people can learn new things and leave feeling inspired” SAD Bootcamp to be held at Partisan Collective in November

Fiona Ledgard (centre). Photo by Sarah Cleave. Permission for use from Fiona Ledgard. Help is at hand for Salfordians suffering […]

© Joel Goodman - 07973 332324 - all rights reserved. For NHS Internal Comms use . 08/12/2020. Salford, UK. TED JONES  ( Frederick Jones ) is the first to be vaccinated . The first to receive the Coronavirus vaccine at Salford Royal (formerly Hope ) Hospital . The Pfizer / BioNTec Covid-19 vaccine is being administered to patients around the UK from today ( 8th December 2020).  . Photo credit : Joel Goodman

SALFORD NOW LIVE 25 OCTOBER – news, sport, weather and updates from around the city

James Delaney is curating our live feed today and will be updating you throughout the day on news relating to the forthcoming budget and how it might affect Salford, plus the government’s handling of the Covid crisis as the NHS faces a difficult winter.

Greater Manchester Voices Project

“Our accent is a kind of fingerprint, it tells a story about where we’re from” – The Greater Manchester Voices Project want more Salfordians to take part in their survey of the region’s accents

More talkative Salfordians are wanted to help researchers map the various accents and dialects across Greater Manchester. The project, which […]

Janet and Cindy, Old Stock New Stock. Photo by Joe Smith. Permission for use from Megan Holland.

“Everyone’s inner warmth shines through” – The Salford creative arts company hoping to change the perceptions of elders in stock photography

Art with Heart, the Salford-based creative arts company launched Old Stock New Stock in August with the goal of changing […]