Search Results for "langworthy"

Image taken by Molly Haddock

Salford LGBTQ+ community welcomes new ‘safe space’ as concerns grow over mental health

Salford’s LGBTQ+ community has welcomed new sessions that provide a ‘safe space’ for members after concerns that there was nowhere […]

Image Credits: Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) -

“People are coming out because they don’t want to sit in a cold house” – Salford community centre offers free breakfast and lunch to elderly as cost of living crisis worsens

Langworthy Cornerstone community centre is offering Salford residents aged 65 or over a free lunch or breakfast until October 24. […]

Image courtesy of Re:Connect

“We aim to challenge perceptions and barriers, celebrate diversity and creativity”- DIYTheatreCo launches project to help people reconnect

The DIY Theatre Company launched the Re:Connect project in order to help people with learning disabilities from Salford to reconnect with each other and get creative.