
“We all need to see people smile”: A woman creates hand-made visual masks so the deaf and hard of hearing can lipread.

“We all need to see people smile”: A woman creates hand-made visual masks so the deaf and hard of hearing can lipread.

“Just Smile” features masks with a clear panel over the mouth, allowing those suffering from hearing loss to continue to lip […]

Pumpkin carving earlier this year with B

“I want to play my part in helping the next generations receive the best start” – Salford mum starts dream childminding business

A Salford mum has  announced the opening of a new childminding service Bethany Mcroy, 26, has lived in the city […]

All photo credits: Laura Hill and Naomi Morris

“We will stand together and we are there for each other” – How a Salford community Facebook group is supporting children in need

A Salford community Facebook group, run by two Tesco Extra employees, is making a difference this Christmas and making sure […]

A group of Pedal Away cyclists in Media City (picture taken before covid restrictions) - Image Credit: Rob Salt

“We hope to get them back up and running in February” – Salford cycling group hopeful of restrictions easing in the new year

Salford cycling group ‘Pedal Away’ are hoping that after a year of restrictions they can continue their social cycling events in […]

Dr Athar Azis - screenshot from a salford uni video so copyright free

“If all of us get the vaccine we’ll have our normal life back” – Scientist welcomes new Salford vaccine centre

The coronavirus vaccine should bring Salford back to “the life it had before”, according to a leading scientist. Dr Athar […]