
University of Salford (image taken from Google Streetview)

“You always have to be dynamic” – TEDxUniversityofSalford team talk vaccines, digital poverty and the future of TEDx in Salford.

The entirely digital TEDxUniversityofSalford is set to take place on March 6th 2021 with its theme of ‘new world normal’ […]

Credit: Salford Pride

“It really benefits people to have that human contact and is quite needed” – Salford Pride’s virtual quiz night with Miss Blair

Salford Pride have presented a quiz night hosted by Miss Blair to celebrate LGBT+ history month. The event was hosted […]

Islington Mill is both a cultural hub for Salford residents and a home for its artists  (Image supplied by Islington Mill).

“This is about protecting and cultivating the production of culture” – The £7m Islington Mill renovation unable to begin as no contractor found

A contractor is being sought for a £7 million renovation of Salford’s creative space and community hub, Islington Mill. The […]

Photo: Permission received to use from Alexandra Smyth.

“There’s no better way to finish our journey”- Former Kandy Kabin to host Salford Baby Bank charity

A former sweet shop in Langworthy is providing a home for the Salford Baby Bank until 80,000 tickets are sold […]