
Salford Quays. Image credit: Matthew Lanceley

“This issue was bad last year and is very definitely even worse this year” – Salford Quays residents push back against drag racers

Local Councillors and Neighbourhood teams have come together in an effort to reduce dangerous driving around Salford Quays. Quays Labour […]

Image credit: Tree of hope

Eight men dressed as scooter grannies raced from Anfield to Old Trafford on children’s scooters to raise £4,800 for disabled ten year old

Eight men dressed as grannies travelled from Anfield to Old Trafford on June 26th dressed as grannies to raise £4,800 […]

Sent by Lowry press release

LS Lowry’s Portrait of Ann gets ‘masked’ in Covid-response to work by a 7-year-old artist from Salford

One of LS Lowry’s most famous portraits has been reimagined for the Covid-age by a seven-year-old artist from Salford. Alishba-Raazia […]