
Salford Astronomical Society. Photo taken by Emmie Norton

“To look at the sky with your own eyes, and see these things for ourselves, that’s simply amazing” – Salford Astronomical Society celebrate 50 years of their observatory

Members of the Salford Astronomical Society in Salford celebrated the 50th anniversary of their observatory with the unveiling of a newly refurbished 18-inch telescope.

Salford from above credit: M J Richardson
Rishi Sunak credit: HM Treasury (unchanged)

“The cost of living is constantly going up and the Minimum Wage doesn’t seem to be going up at the same rate” Salfordians call for more to be done as wages are set to rise

Rishi Sunak. Imaage credit: HM Treasury Flickr No changes made Salford from above. Image credit: / No changes made   […]

Image given by Kevin Feddy

“A privilege” – former RAF fighter pilot touches down at Broughton House

A former RAF fighter pilot who has nearly 30 years of experience in the healthcare sector at senior level has joined the board of Broughton House Veteran Care Village as a trustee.

Diana Olijar - Permission by her

“I have been a dedicated, active and employed parent… now I am fighting for survival” – Salford mum suffering with rare disorder raising funds for surgery through Halloween Party in Eccles

The family of a Mum from Salford suffering from a debilitating conditions will host a party in Eccles to raise money to fund urgent neurosurgery that is not available on the NHS.

© Joel Goodman - 07973 332324 - all rights reserved. For NHS Internal Comms use . 08/12/2020. Salford, UK. TED JONES  ( Frederick Jones ) is the first to be vaccinated . The first to receive the Coronavirus vaccine at Salford Royal (formerly Hope ) Hospital . The Pfizer / BioNTec Covid-19 vaccine is being administered to patients around the UK from today ( 8th December 2020).  . Photo credit : Joel Goodman

SALFORD NOW LIVE 25 OCTOBER – news, sport, weather and updates from around the city

James Delaney is curating our live feed today and will be updating you throughout the day on news relating to the forthcoming budget and how it might affect Salford, plus the government’s handling of the Covid crisis as the NHS faces a difficult winter.