
Rebecca Long-Bailey
Credit: Rwendland

MP slams budget as “gimmicks and spin” with lack of support for struggling Salford families

Rebecca Long-Bailey has slammed today’s budget announcement as “gimmicks and spin” after a supposed lack of support for struggling families […]

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‘Grow your own food’ – Salford farm campaigning against ultra-processed food

An Eccles-based farm is campaigning against ultra-processed meats after new scientific evidence has come to light that it can cause serious long term health risks.

"I have to pinch myself" - taxi driver giving tours around Salford from cab nominated for gong

“I have to pinch myself” – taxi driver giving tours around Salford from cab nominated for gong

John Consterdine is a finalist in the Daily Mirror’s Tourism Superstar awards – for giving fares a guided your of Salford from his black cab.