
SELNEC plans for Salford in 1962.  Image: Manchester City Council under Creative Commons license.

A road to the past: Salford’s unbuilt motorway that would have destroyed landmarks and neighbourhoods

Many drivers in Salford today use the M602, however, plans from the 1960s could have made Salford look very different to how it does today.,-2.2580146,3a,75y,201.09h,103.66t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sRbtJaUW3HO0vKHJ8lrtZMw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

Public appeal for information after 15-year-old left in ‘serious condition’ following stabbing outside Higher Broughton McDonalds

Police are appealing for information after a 15-year-old male was left in a ‘serious condition’ following a stabbing outside Higher […]