AT a time when the pressure is on to feel happy and festive for the Christmas period, it can be […]
Salford Community Lifestyle celebrate 15 years of ‘Walking for Health’
AFTER hosting their ‘Walking for Health’ walks for 15 years, Salford Community Lifestyle are still passionate about providing the community […]
Manchester Hospital launch new project to support cancer patients
MANCHESTER Hospital The Christie have launched a new project called ‘100 Voices’ in order to help patients and families affected […]
WATCH: Is man flu real according to Salford?
With flu season well and truly in Salford, complaints of man flu will be widely spread. New research suggests that the condition is in fact a real thing.
Behind the invisible disease affecting a growing number of children
CROHN’S and colitis were once thought to be adult conditions, but these days, children as young as two or three […]
NHS campaign tries to educate public with chorus of singing pills
ANTIBIOTICS are used for the treatment or prevention of certain types of bacterial infections. They work by killing bacteria and […]
Prevent asthma attacks in Manchester this winter with a #Scarfie
Asthma UK is running a national campaign #Scarfie to highlight the seriousness of asthma.
Walk With a Doc comes to Manchester-but what is it?
In 2020 experts predict that one third of the United Kingdom could be obese – Ladybarn Practice is taking steps […]
Radical calorie restrictive diet is the future of Type 2 Diabetes care says expert
Diabetic expert and leader of a new Type 2 Diabetes study which has proven to reverse Diabetic symptoms says that […]
The Height General Practice commended as ‘outstanding’
AN IRLAM doctors’ surgery has been declared ‘oustanding’ by the Care Quality Commission. The Height surgery has been commended by […]
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