
Sam Morris screenshotted from Benjamin Stacey's interview

‘I have a zest for life’ – A survivor’s positive message to those battling cancer

With Breast Cancer Awareness Month events taking place across Salford throughout October, one cancer survivor is trying to communicate a positive message.

Credit: Pam Higgins.

Image of Anthony Higgins before he died

“I’m so glad you’re my mum” – Salford mum shares heartbreaking message from son lost to suicide

The mother of a Salford man who killed himself whilst on suicide watch is urging people to ‘fight the stigma’ […]

Salford Campaign to end stigma against malnutrition celebrates helping 1,000 people

Salford Campaign to end stigma against malnutrition celebrates helping 1,000 people

Featured Image Credit: Rhys Blanchard The PaperWeight Campaign launched by Age UK Salford has now helped over 1000 malnutritioned Salfordians maintain a healthy […]

Salford City Council leaves autistic woman without adequate support

Salford City Council leaves autistic woman without adequate support

An autistic woman was left without adequate support for months after Salford City Council failed to carry out its statutory duties. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman issued a report last week following a complaint by Mrs W, who has not been named, a Salford resident with autism.

Photo credit: Pexels

“I miss my bump so much” – Being pregnant whilst plus size

A Salford university graduate is now influencing people online through Instagram, sharing plus size fashion advice as well as letting people in on her journey with pregnancy/new mum lifestyle.