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Bats, newts, voles, swans and kingfisher can all be sighted at Salford’s Peel Park, experts say

What are the best things to see at Peel Park? Salford’s Wildlife Society and Peel Park rangers identify the highlights worth seeing.

"Doing nothing is not an option" - '£20 fine' for idling cars outside schools

“Doing nothing is not an option” – ‘£20 fine’ for idling cars outside schools

Trafford Council are proposing to fine parents who keep their car engines running, in the hope it will reduce air pollution within the borough.

Daily Mile promotes health, fitness and overall well-being in Salford children

Daily Mile promotes health, fitness and overall well-being in Salford children

The Daily Mile, a 15-minute classroom initiative which aims to increase concentration and improve the overall health and wellbeing of our children, both physically and emotionally, seeks more Salford schools to sign up to the free program.