
I4YP's HQ. Credit: Micky Dacks

Ex-convict transforms his life into a musical to inspire Salford youth away from crime and seclusion

Micky Dacks, eyes gleaming with the vision for his passion, his work, and his story to be reborn once again, […]

"If you are tough enough to break a wall down and smash a couple of windows I dare you to have a game of rugby" - Salford rugby league team sets up GoFundMe after clubhouse is vandalised

“If you are tough enough to break a wall down and smash a couple of windows I dare you to have a game of rugby” – Salford rugby league team sets up GoFundMe after clubhouse is vandalised

Langworthy Reds have set up a GoFundMe after a destructive attack by a group of vandals last week. The voluntary […]