A review of the Selective Licensing Scheme in Eccles, Barton and Winton shows that it is helping to improve housing conditions and making landlords more responsible.
The five-year scheme set up by Salford City Council in 2022, aims to ensure that landlords are meeting the required standard for privately rented properties.
The scheme is helping to tackle poor property and tenancy management, and has so far seen 704 properties licensed under the scheme, with more applications in progress.
The council has also been taking action against landlords who have not yet applied.
The housing conditions scheme, requires landlords to obtain a licence and meet a set of management conditions, and it has helped ensure that privately rented homes meet safety standards.
The standards include annual gas safety checks, functioning smoke alarms, and electrical safety compliance.
More than 400 landlords and property managers have been checked to make sure they are responsible and fit to manage rental homes.
Lead Member for Housing and Anti-Poverty, Councillor Tracy Kelly, said: “This scheme is making a real difference by improving private rental housing in Eccles, Barton, and Winton.
“It ensures tenants have safe, good-quality homes while holding landlords to account. We will continue to work with landlords who follow the rules but take strong action against those who don’t.”
The scheme has also helped to resolve tenant complaints, improve landlord engagement, and support wider enforcement efforts.
And so far, the council has issued civil penalties amounting to £45,250 against landlords failing to comply, demonstrating a firm stance on upholding housing standards.
Salford City Council says it will keep working to find unlicensed properties and make sure landlords follow their responsibilities, helping to improve housing for local people.
Find out more about the Selective Licensing Scheme here.
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