Salford churches to participate in the Whit Walk

A walking event that will draw church communities together for a historic procession will take place this May. 

The Manchester and Salford Whit Walk will take place on Monday 26 May, with the traditional event being an opportunity to display faith.

The traditional event, which can be traced back over 200 years, will see church congregations, brass bands, and community members parade through the streets

Participants of the event will be able to walk along the procession route with banners representing their Manchester and Salford churches and organisations.

The annual Whit Walks parade from Manchester Cathedral –  Picture by Paul Heyes

The procession is scheduled to begin at Manchester Cathedral, where a special service will be held before the Whit Walkers make their way along the route.

The event is expected to gather around 1000 participants on the day, with both the Mayor of Salford and Manchester in attendance.

Organisers have encouraged people of all backgrounds to attend the event, emphasising the Whit Walk’s significance in celebrating community spirit and pride.

The annual Whit Walks parade to bring celebrations of Salford churches – Picture by Paul Heyes

Reverend Daniel Burton, one of the lead organisers of the event said: “To me, it’s a it’s a wonderful opportunity for people who belong to the Christian church to celebrate the contribution that we make to Greater Manchester.”

“We live in an amazing, growing and diverse region and the churches are an important part of that. Not only historically but also in the present.”

He continued: “There’s tons of music, plenty of colour, and visually, it’s really a kind of a joyful celebration of, of church life.”

“Anybody and everybody is welcome to come and take part in the act of worship, which takes place in some St. Peter’s Square at 10:45 a.m. That’s completely open to the public.”

Road closures are expected along the route on the day of the event.


Fundraising is currently underway to help cover the costs of the event – with more information about the GofundMe being found here. 

Details of the procession can be found on the Diocese of Salford website.

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