Salford licensed private hire driver made to pay £1,700 after pleading guilty for the offence of illegally plying for hire.
The fine comes following a complaint from a member of the public towards driver, Mr Arif Mohammad made in July 2023.
Mr Arif Mohammad has been ordered to pay £400 in fines, £1,200 in costs and a victim surcharge of £160 – under the breach of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847.
The complainant was reported that Mr Mohammad had overcharged her for a private hire journey having attended a concert at Bolton Stadium.
Following the event, the complainant had approached Mr Mohammad’s private hire vehicle and asked if he could take her and three other people to a hotel.
Mr Mohammad agreed to the journey without there being a booking in place with a private hire operator.
The law requires that all private hire journeys are booked through a private hire operator -failure to do so can result in the driver’s motor insurance being invalid.
The complaint from a member of the public towards the private hire driver was investigated by the Salford City Council Licensing Service.
When interviewed in respect of the suspected offence, Mr Arif Mohammad admitted offering the journey without a booking through a private hire operator, describing it as a “big mistake”, saying he was “very sorry”.
Salford City Council handles regulating taxi and private hire drivers licensed with the authority, with offences committed by licensees whilst working as taxi and private hire driversare regarded as extremely serious.
Offences such as illegal plying for hire can often offences committed by licensees whilst working as taxi and private hire drivers are regarded as extremely serious.
Following the issued fines and costs, Councillor Barbara Bentham, Salford City Council’s Lead Member for Neighbourhoods, Environment and Community Safety said: “Taxi and private hire services are an important part of the transport network.
“We thank all of our licensees that operate to a safe and high standard.
“Drivers have a duty to operate in accordance with the law and the conditions of their licence and the authority will not hesitate to take enforcement action where necessary.
“As a reminder, a private hire vehicle must always be booked through a licensed operator.”
Salford City Councils commitment to being a fairer, greener, healthier and more inclusive city for all will continue with the high-quality taxi and private hire services, taking enforcement action where necessary.
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