disability information day Starting Life Well stall from last years SEND Information Day- provided by Viv Ormrod

Salford parents and carers have the opportunity to gain experience about special education needs and disability services available to their families.

Residents around Salford will have the chance to learn about special education through an event hosted by the Salford Parent Carer Forum.

The forum will be hosting the event on March 1, at the Salford Community Stadium in Eccles and will give an opportunity for families to learn of services designed for support.

The SEND Information Day will run from 11am until 2pm, with services such as CAMHS, You Can, and Salford Youth Service taking part.

Parents can see the range of services available to them and are able to find out their referral processes.

Viv Ormrod, chair and co-founder of the SPCF (Salford Parent and Carer Forum), said: “We know that parents and carers are finding it difficult to access services and get information about what they’re entitled to.

“They can’t make informed choices and are struggling to keep their children in mainstream education.”

She continued: “SEND Information Day was born following COVID, parents told us that lockdown made it harder than usual to access services.

“So, we brought those professionals together in a place where parents and carers could have those informal chats.”

SEND Information Day is hosted every year, with 2025 being the third year it has taken place – last year’s event at over four hundred parents and carers in attendance.

All parents of children with special education needs and disabilities, with or without a diagnosis, are encouraged to attend.

Viv said: “It is a free event, and it is part of bringing together a SEND community where we all have the same goals, which is to improve the system for young people and their families.

“It is a massive opportunity. We would love to see some new faces and make sure families are supported.”

More information about the disability information day can be found here.

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