Students playing chess by Holly Fenton

A school in Salford has introduced new darts and chess clubs as a part of its latest enrichment scheme. 

Salford City Academy is giving students the chance to develop strategic thinking, concentration and confidence.

Students are being encouraged to join the clubs as a new way to meet people and communicate.

The clubs, which launched this term, have already seen a strong turnout with pupils eager to learn new skills across the board.

Anne Hickey, from the schools’ English department and a supervisor of the clubs said: It just seems to have come from out of nowhere.

“We put on a lot of clubs for the students at break time and after school, so there’s always something that we can get involved with.”

She continued: “It is just nice to see them playing, and the others take an interest in supporting the friends while the playing.”

Chess, long regarded as a test of intelligence and foresight, has attracted students who enjoy the challenge of outthinking their opponents.

Darts board by Holly Fenton
Darts board at Salford City Academy by Holly Fenton

Josh, student and frequent chess club player said: “It’s a really logical game, it’s good for the mind”

Thanks to Luke Littler’s rise in the sport, darts has also become popular.

The achievements of the 18-year-old, who recently became world champion, were highlighted in assembly.

Anne said: “The darts has come from the young dart player, Luke Littler. They see him at 17, how good he is, and he’s a world champion.”

The darts club has helped students sharpen their aim and their mental maths, whether calculating checkouts or perfecting their throwing technique.

Ryan, a frequent member of the darts club, said: “It’s a fun sport, both physically and mentally.

“If we need to solve a maths problem, it helps us answer quickly.”

Anne is heavily involved with the enrichment programme at the Salford City Academy, and believes both clubs are already having a positive impact.

Eccles Salford City Academy
Salford City Academy – Google Maps

She continued: “We even have some students for whom English isn’t their first language, but they can join in too.

“They’re engaging with each other. And you find that if there’s a game going on, others will come in and stand round and watch.”

The school hopes these clubs will not only encourage personal growth but also foster a sense of community.

And while some students have the ambitions to compete at a higher level, some see it as just a hobby to develop skills and socialise.

Vice Principal Mr Rashud is excited about the scheme’s potential, he said: “We’re really chuffed to bits on how the students have taken to darts and chess.

“We aim to have these help students develop in character as they’re educated at school.”

While plans to organise inter-school competitions as well as the running tournaments they have going, these clubs are just getting started.

Whether it’s a checkmate or a perfect 180, students are finding new ways to challenge themselves – one more, or throw, at a time.

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