The Oddfellows Arms in Eccles will be hoping to rebuild its reputation with a new relaunched that will invites guests to a night of live music.
The relaunch at the Oddfellows Arms will be from 7:30pm till late, and guests will be able to visit the pub to party to Motown and Soul singer JP Morris.
New landlord, Rebecca Smith has been in the hospitality business for just over a year, with the Eccles pub becoming her second relaunch project.
The re-opening of the pub has brought a lot of excitement, already making a positive impact on the community.
Before becoming the owner of Oddfellows she was once a customer. She said: “I go a lot on instinct”.
She recognised a strong customer base with a community focus on her visit, before making the decision to take on the role of the owner, when the opportunity arose.
Smith’s hopes for the pub’s future remain bright, as she hopes to change the current reputation that the pub has, as she said: “My goal is to get it to where it was a few years ago.”
In her previous establishment she had the same determination, as she continued: “When I went to the last place which had a bad reputation, I brought that back up over the year when I was there and that’s what I intend to do here.”

Rebecca has received positive feedback so far from the community regarding herself and other members of staff.
And after being welcomed into the community she has been able to shake of the traditional first day nerves, she said: “Once I poured my first pint, the nerves were gone.
“I love it, and it makes me feel at home.”
Rebecca’s confidence in a male dominated career sets a prime example of fighting gender norms in today’s society.
She said “Just because I’m a woman don’t think that you can come in and take over, because we’re trying to do something to build it back up and not one person is going to stop me from doing that.”
During Rebecca’s first week of working she experienced a scary moment of confrontation from a customer.

Despite the unsettling situation, Rebecca remained calm and with the help of her staff and regulars the situation was diffused.
She said: “The police did assist but it was the customers who got him out of the premises and helped and that’s the community support I felt when I came in as a customer.”
Another one of Rebecca’s hopes for The Oddfellows Arms is to continue hosting a range of events for the Eccles community to enjoy.
And the new manager of the pub will be hoping to do the same with the relaunch this weekend, where people can enjoy live Motown entertainment with the whole community.
Rebecca aims to host a variety of events people can look forward to throughout the week, as she said: “Hopefully going forward there will be live entertainment, while building up the rhythm of the week.
“So there’s more stuff going on during the week and the quieter days, so people have things to do, because I’m rolled up by community focus.”