An amnesty for Blue Badge holders is under way in Salford to remove bogus badges and make it easier for genuinely disabled drivers to find a parking space.
From today (October 28) a Blue Badge amnesty will run for two weeks allowing residents an opportunity to hand over permits they are not entitled to in person, at council buildings such as Gateway centres, or through the post.
Following the amnesty period, from Monday November 11, Salford City Council will begin to clamp down on blue badge misuse by checking that permits across the city are correctly registered.
Those who continue to misuse blue badges risk being hit with a large fine and potential criminal record. Motorists who hand their badges in during the two-week amnesty will have no further action taken against them.
Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for neighbourhoods, environment and community safety at Salford City Council, said: “The Blue Badge scheme is vital for many people, providing them with access to special bays, resident-only parking areas and parking on some single or double yellow lines, where they are not causing an obstruction. The scheme means that people can live independent lives.

“It is a national issue that a small minority of people use badges fraudulently. So we are following what other councils are doing and taking action to make it easier to park for our residents who have a genuine need.
“We are asking motorists not to use permits that don’t belong to them, have expired or are no longer required. We know that some people may not be aware that their badge has expired. It is important that you check and make use of the amnesty.
“Others will be aware that what they are doing is illegal. If you are using a Blue Badge fraudulently, I would urge you to take advantage of the amnesty and hand it in. If you fail to do so, we will be taking action against you.
“This move is welcomed by our residents and if anybody has information to help us target those using badges illegally they just need to make us aware and we will take action.”
The Salford Disability Forum commented: “We’re pleased to hear this campaign has started in Salford to help people with legitimate blue badges park.
“It will make a huge difference to the people who really need the scheme as it is an absolute lifeline. If those spaces are being taken by people who should not be there it affects us all.”
Enforcement offices will be in place across the city and people caught using badges illegally will be prosecuted.
People can report Blue Badge fraud at:
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