Plans for a £200 million regeneration to transform Salford Soapworks business park into a riverside community have been re-submitted.
The new plans will look to add nearly 500 new contemporary homes within three buildings, to the business park on Colgate Lane.
The proposal will look to add 50 more homes than the original plans, with three tower blocks, varying in height from 10 to 33 storeys, replacing the current surface parking lot.
The plans also included a new multi-level transportation hub with more than 900 parking spaces accommodating electric vehicles and cycle hubs.
The business park is owned by the Greater Manchester Pension Fund and was bought for £60 million in 2017, taking ownership of the converted office space that had transformed the factory grounds in 2014.

The former Colgate Palmolive Factory ceased operations in 2005, and has been described as one of the “North West’s most iconic commercial regeneration projects.”
The fund released images of the proposed plans earlier this year, with a spokesperson sharing the appeal the developments would have locally and internationally.
As the spokesperson said: “The proposals have been sensitively designed to transform this brownfield site in need of regeneration into a vibrant mixed-use neighbourhood that will support Salford’s diverse and growing population.”
Salford is forecasted to have the fastest percentage growth in the Greater Manchester region in the next 20 years, and the plans will look to match the exciting development of the plans for the future.
Information on the project’s planning application can be found on Salford City Council’s planning portal under PA/2023/0435 application reference.
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