Businesses from Salford and Greater Manchester are invited to The International Growth Sprint development event this July. 

On July 25 businesses will meet in Manchester city centre for an event which aims to help companies tackle the key challenges holding back international growth.

The event promises that each business will leave with a concrete idea of what to do immediately to drive the business forward on the global stage. Businesses will be introduced to high-impact growth experiments using Google’s famous Design Sprint process.

The programme is hosted by the Manchester Growth Company and led by Sean Sankey of Much Clearer, with over 15 years of experience accelerating growth for companies across the UK and Europe.

Sean stated: “This is our third version of the International Growth Sprint now and we’ve learned a lot from the 200+ businesses who have taken part in the 12 events we’ve done since 2019.”

“The last one in Manchester was over a year ago, so it’s great to be bringing back an updated format for 2024”.

“This is not a passive experience – you and your team will roll up your sleeves and put your business through its paces. But the return is a focused and customized international expansion plan done in one day that would normally take weeks to develop.”

The exact location of the event in Manchester city centre has not yet been disclosed.

Spaces are limited for this transformative Manchester event. Businesses of all sizes are welcome but must have three+ people available for the full day.

For the tickets for this event, click here.

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