St Ambrose Barlow RC High School

A recent Ofsted inspection concluded that “pupils feel valued, cared for and happy” at St Ambrose Barlow RC High School in Swinton.

The report which was conducted on February 28 and published on May 1 gave the “welcoming school” a ‘Good’ Ofsted rating.

Ben Davis, Headteacher at St. Ambrose Barlow RC High School, said: “We’re very pleased to receive this good Ofsted rating. Our teachers work hard to build good relationships with pupils and support them to have a high quality education.”

The report also stated that pupils spoke warmly of their positive relationships with staff and feel that they matter to their teachers.

The school expects all pupils to achieve well, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). Children with SEND are assessed thoroughly and staff are well trained on how to meet these needs in lessons.

Pupils are encouraged to follow the school’s stated mission to “love, learn and lead” and hey develop respect for the opinions and beliefs of others.

The report further concluded that staff deal with any incidents of poor behaviour quickly and effectively. However, a small minority of pupils persist in misbehaving when they are not closely supervised. The report stated that the school should ensure that these pupils are supported to develop positive attitudes and appropriate self-control.

In regard to improvements, in some subjects, the school’s strategies to identify and then address gaps in pupils’ knowledge are less effective than in other curriculum areas.

As a result, some key stage 4 pupils have misconceptions. This makes it difficult for them to build on what they know. The school should ensure that teachers use assessment strategies consistently well to address the learning gaps that pupils may have.

To read the full report, click here.

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