
A man from Irlam has been fined £300 for illegally dumping three car tyres on land at Harding Street, Salford.

Gareth Walsh, 36, of Dunlin Drive, Irlam, appeared before the Manchester Magistrates Court and pled guilty to unlawfully depositing controlled waste.

The incident occurred last year on Wednesday April 12 when CCTV captured footage of the passenger of a black Ford illegally disposing of three tyres on the said land.


This act not only violated environmental laws but also posed a significant fire safety hazard to the surrounding area, including the overhead railway line and the nearby electricity substation.

Following thorough investigations, it was revealed that the vehicle was registered under the name of Mr Walsh’s partner, with Mr Walsh himself identified as the passenger during the incident.

Councillor Barbara Bentham said: “The dump site in this case was round the corner from Cobden St Recycling Centre, and there is an excellent facility on Mr Walsh’s doorstep at Boysnope Wharf.

“This case serves as a reminder of the severe consequences of irresponsible actions. We urge all residents to prioritise responsible waste management to safeguard our environment and communities.

During an interview with the Council’s Regulatory Services team, Mr Walsh admitted his involvement and accepted responsibility for his actions. Despite having access to nearby Household Waste Recycling Centres, Mr Walsh failed to utilise these facilities and neglected to pay a Fixed Penalty Notice offered as an alternative to prosecution.

In court, Mr Walsh was represented by a defence solicitor who highlighted his familial and financial situations and appealed for leniency on his behalf.

Councillor Barbara continued: “Salford City Council remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding environmental laws and prosecuting illegal waste disposal activities. It is beyond comprehension why anyone would choose to dump waste illegally when there are facilities to dispose of waste locally.”

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