An interactive ‘magic table’ worth £10,000 has been gifted to the Broughton House Veteran Care Village to improve patients’ wellbeing.
A grant of £10,000 from the Morrisons Foundation has funded the Tovertafel which features a range of stimulating interactive electronic games.
The Tovertafel was developed in the Netherlands – its name means ‘magic table’ in Dutch – and is designed for older people with dementia or cognitive decline to improve their wellbeing, increase positive emotions and social interactions.
It projects interactive electronic games on to a table in the form of images and sounds, which respond to hand movements.
Games include moving a series of coloured leaves and hearing them rustle, passing a ball across the table to others, playing matching puzzles and even a gentle version of whack-a-mole.
Karen Miller, chief executive of Broughton House, said: “This wonderful piece of equipment is proven to build cognitive ability, physical movement, social interactions and sensory stimulation for people with dementia.
“By projecting images on to a table that our veterans can interact with, it provides entertainment and builds relationships, as well as helping with their condition.
“The kind donation from the Morrisons Foundation is bringing many hours of smiles and laughter to our care village, hugely benefiting our veterans with dementia or cognitive decline.”

Broughton House on Park Lane has cared for more than 8,000 veterans since it opened its doors to the ex-service community in 1916.
It has recently been redeveloped into a complex with a 64-bed care home, including two 16-bed households dedicated to veterans with dementia, as well as independent living apartments.