A manager at a housing service for people with mental health needs in Salford has been shortlisted for a national industry award.
Donna Whittle, local service manager at Sanctuary Supported Living’s on Gore Avenue, is a finalist for the Housing Manager award at the 2024 Housing with Care Awards, after being put forward by her colleagues.
She has been recognised for her work to change Gore Avenue from “a low-level mental health service to a high-level mental health service”, which now provides 24-hour support for people with complex needs.
Organised by Care Talk magazine, the national Housing with Care awards recognise the highest standards in accommodation and services for supported living.

Donna and the other finalists will be interviewed by a panel of judges in mid-May, before attending the awards ceremony at the Hilton London Bankside on Friday June 7, where the winners will be announced.
As well as Donna’s successful shortlisting, Sanctuary Supported Living in Seedley has also been named as a finalist for 16 other awards at the event, including the Housing with Care Employer award.
Director for Sanctuary Supported Living, Dave Shaw, said: “Achieving 17 finalists is a new record for Sanctuary Supported Living, and it fills us with immense pride. Our team’s exceptional achievements and the recognition they have already received at this year’s Housing with Care Awards are truly inspiring.
“It’s a moment of celebration for all of us at Sanctuary Supported Living, as we continue to strive for excellence in everything we do.”
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