A woman from Salford Art Club was invited to take part in a new official Guinness World Record for the most people painting in a single venue and online simultaneously.
The event by Sky Arts took place in London and entailed that for 60 minutes the artists taking part would have to paint a realistic portrait of Sir Lenny Henny.
Meredith Collinson, a member of Salford Art Club, was invited by Sky Arts to the event.

She said: “When I got the email from Sky Arts, I felt so honoured. I answered straight away and said yes, I couldn’t believe the opportunity I had.”
Meredith also has paintings in the current exhibition at Salford Art Gallery and said: “I love being part of the club, a friend who was part of it told be about it and it’s amazing to be part of such a strong art community.”
After agreeing to participate in the event, Meredith began to practice, she said: “Usually a portrait like this takes around 6 hours, so having to cut that to 60 required some practice. I also decided to only use 4 colours to mix to create the painting.”

On October 31 it was announced that the event was a success. It marked the 10th anniversary of the competition ‘Portrait Artist of the Year.’
There were 250 people at the event in Lindley Hall in London and even more online to beat the record. It was a mix of artists from all over the country.
Once it was announced that the artists had beat the official record Meredith said it was “amazing”.
She added: “I was so happy with having taken part in such an amazing opportunity.”

The two paintings on display in the biennial exhibition at Salford Museum and Art Gallery will be on until December 3.
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