The Salford Veterans Community Cafe is back in business in Eccles with a new chef and staff.
The reopening of the 1940s-style centre will continue to focus on the wellbeing and mental health of the Salford community, particularly veterans.
The centre founded by Carl Blower, has been developed from scratch since taking over the building a year ago.
Carl said: “I got the keys last March, I built it all myself.
“And as an ex-police officer… running a charity and running a business this is all new to me.”

The café aims to improve the lives of those with to support welcoming anyone particularly veterans and emergency service workers.
Among the 1940s style décor, customers were delighted to be back after a closure over Christmas and New Year.
Work on the first-floor cafe area is complete but the not-for-profit organisation, which relies heavily on volunteers, aims to add more space upstairs focussing on therapy, counselling and a workshop.
Activities throughout the building will aim to encourage conversation, creating a sense of community and combatting loneliness.
And the community is rallying round to support the project, such as new outside seating area and building materials being donated by local veterans and businesses.
Carl said: “Topps Tiles donated £1,500 of free tiles to help the floor and the kitchen.
“It’s great to see the local business pulling together for veterans.”
And with the breakfast being priced at £4.50 it would be difficult to turn down.
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