A Salford charity has been awarded two accreditations for offering ‘gold standards’ of employment and better standards of living for employees.

Salford Foundation won the accreditation from the ‘Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter’ (GMGEC), a scheme working to promote equal and fair standards and practices for employees, volunteers and new recruits. The charity also won the Salford City Mayor’s Good Employment Charter.

The charity underwent a ‘detailed and stringent’ selection process for the GMGEC according to Helen Garry, Salford Foundation’s Business Development Manager.

Categories for the accreditation include becoming a Real Living Wage employer; ensuring security of income for employees (no zero hour contracts and regular income); enhanced sick pay; flexible working; engagement with employees (ensuring workforce engagement groups and employees have a voice); fair and inclusive recruitment; and fair leadership processes.

Ms Garry, who was instrumental in the charity’s accreditation, said: “”We’ve been in Salford for over 30 years, we want to support the local community and support staff, raising aspiration, getting people into work. It fitted really well into our vision and our aims as a charity. We want to recruit local people and in the wider community we set that standard, help a wider area and there’ll be better training opportunities for people.”

“As a charity we’ve made a commitment and we want people to have a certain standard of living. There’s been a lot fo people really struggling with the cost of living crisis, so we think it’s really important that we respond to that.

“For example, if we get new contracts, but they don’t pay enough for the real living wage, we won’t go for it. That’s quite a tough one because we might say no to opportunities, but we have to stick to our guns and stand up for what we believe in.

“We also employ a lot of local people like the milkman, the window cleaner, the odd job man. We’re looking at how much we pay them and make sure that’s the real living wage. We want to support the local economy.”

The accreditation also ensures the charity provides adequate health and wellbeing support for employees, as well as counselling.

Ms Garry explained how she felt proud of the charity’s achievements, but promises to continue investing in the local community. She continued: “It’s an amazing achievement. I led the accreditation process, there’s not many companies who have achieved it yet, especially smaller charities. The fact that we’re from Salford and that we’ve achieved it is a massive achievement.

“It’s not just ticking box exercise. It’s quite a robust process and it’s intense. We’re proud that we’re at the heart of Salford and we hope to lead the way. I’ve been encouraging other employers and charities to go for it.”

“We’ve got an action plan and we’re going to continue to work towards those standards and continue to improve. Once you are accredited, you join a network, almost a family and there are other employers who can share top tips. That’s the bit that’s really exciting for us. We’re open to find out what other people are doing.”



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