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Services such as web chats and the Spirit of Salford helpline is due to close over the Christmas break. Here’s a round-up of all scheduled community closures.

From 4.30pm on Friday 23 December 2022 until 8.30am on Tuesday 3 January 2023 most of Salford City Council’s customer services will not be available. This includes web chats, social media, telephone enquiries and delays to some online services.

If you have an emergency or if you need emergency accommodation during this period, the council recommend contacting the out of hours team on 0161 794 8888 which will be working throughout the holiday period.

Bins will be collected as normal throughout Salford during the festive period including the bank holidays on Monday 26 December 2022, Tuesday 27 December 2022 and Monday 2 January 2023.

The Spirit of Salford helpline, on 0800 952 1000, will be open from 10am to 2pm for customer services on Wednesday 28 December, Thursday 29 December, Friday 30 December and 9am to 1pm on Saturday 24 December and Saturday 31 December. The helpline will be open as normal on Tuesday 3 January.

Broughton Hub, Eccles, Swinton, Pendleton and Walkden Gateways will be open from 10am to 2pm for customer services on Wednesday 28 December, Thursday 29 December and Friday 30 December. The buildings may be open longer for health appointments. The Gateways and Hub will be open as normal on Tuesday 3 January.

For more information about bereavement, rough sleeping, adult social care or health services throughout the festive period, visit the Salford City Council website.

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