Salford Nurses are warned about their income tax increasing next year whilst bank bosses benefit from a cut worth more than £100,000.
Last week, Kwasi Kwarteng released his mini-budget reversing the proposed corporation tax hike of 25 per cent.
Samantha McDermott, a senior nurse who works with end of life patients said: “I don’t think it’s fair that the people who are already earning a substantial amount of money will continue to benefit more from the budget and what the government decide to do.”
Minimum wage workers, such as NHS nurses, will face a tax rise of around £107 a year whilst those earning £2.5million a year, will see a decrease of more than £117,000.

It is estimated that those earning £155,000 will be better off from the changes to personal loans.
Georgia Plumbtree, a student nurse with The University of Salford fears that, when she does qualify, she will not be able to financially support herself. She said: “It feels like the government doesn’t respect key-workers”.
However, a statement made by Downing Street where they praised the NHS, stated: ” Our NHS staff have gone above and beyond over the past year and this government will do everything in our power to support them.
“We are extremely grateful for the care NHS staff have provided throughout the pandemic in particular.”
In an interview with The Guardian, Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey argued: “It is staggeringly unfair that this Conservative government is hiking taxes on our nurses and teachers, while giving big businesses and banks a massive tax giveaway,”
“Cutting taxes for the most wealthy while hammering ordinary families with years of stealth taxes shows just how out of touch this government has become.”
There are fears among nurses that issues like this will make people not want to choose health and social care as a career.
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