Salford author and professional dog walker Leanne Marshall released her debut book, ‘Losing Lindani’ after spending five years developing it.
The story follows the main protagonist, Lois, on her reluctant journey to South Africa with her Ugandan born husband. But when he suddenly goes missing under strange circumstances, the people, places and situations which Lois finds herself in set her on a personal journey fraught with deceptive leads, grave sickness and profound secrets. Not only is Lois forced to question everything she believes to be true, she stands to lose much more than just her beloved husband.

Leanne Marshall, 35, started planning and writing her debut book, ‘Losing Lindani’ with the help of her brother who did all the background research, approximately five years ago.
In between camping trips, days off work, in the mornings and evenings, Leanne would always be taking notes and jotting down her ideas for what the book would entail, but it turned out completely different to what she expected.
She said: “For me I personally got my brain waves early in the morning or at weekends, I used to go on a few camping trips with my dogs and I’d made notes, I was just always reading and writing.
“I actually have been a professional dog walker for the last 11 years, so my days are just filled up with being outdoors, being on a field and playing with groups of dogs really.
“So, this was, really a labour of love to fit it in with my day job, I have two dogs myself so it’s just dogs and books really.
“It was hard, really hard. From drafting characters and drawing up a whole plan and plot to the character’s motivations, it turned out completely opposite to what I expected but I couldn’t be happier with the result.”
Reading and writing has always been a big part of Leanne’s life, she knew this from a very young age, choosing pens and paper over toys.
Leanne said: “I remember when my dad and mum took my brother and me to Toys R Us and we came back with paper and just writing materials, so I guess I’ve always been quite creative.
“I’ve always kept diaries and all those things’ women usually do when they are growing up but it was only as I got a little bit older, I thought that it was a possibility, like anything else you see authors and books in shops and you don’t think it’s a possibility.”
Leanne revealed that the project was all self funded and whilst it was definitely pricey, having hired editors, designers and type setters it was worth it.
She said: “I hired two editors because it was a bit of a messy manuscript really and I never intended to publish it myself, so I just wanted a second opinion really, but that was pricey.
“I also hired a cover designer and a type setter, they were all really amazing, letting me have creative control over it and whilst it was pricey the people, I had on board were worth every penny.”
Her debut book has already made an impact on the local community in Salford, with people sharing her book all over social media and leaving five-star reviews on Amazon.
One customer said: “I had the pleasure of reading this the first week it was released, and was blown away by the talent of up-and-coming writer Leanne Marshall” – R. Thompson on Amazon.
Another said: “Loved it from start to finish, so gripping I need more” – Dean R on Amazon.
Leanne said: “I’m a shy person I don’t really post a lot of myself on social media or anything like that so I’ve really had to come out my shell so I’ve relied on a lot of my local customers, family and friends which have really, really helped to share it and push it.
“But yeah, everyone has been surprisingly really, really amazing”.
‘Losing Lindani’ is available to buy and read on Kindle or paperback through Amazon.

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