The outdoor personal trainer-led Bootcamp provides a fun and affordable way for the people of Salford to get active.
“Me and Sarah are started out as personal trainers working in gyms,” said Anthony who runs the scheme with his partner Sarah. Together they provide an alternative way to work out other than the gym.
“We found it was very unsustainable for people to have a long period of sessions with a personal trainer, so this basically offers more affordable access to personal training.
“It’s great for us as we can charge a lot less for our clients because we can bring in more per hour. It’s more sustainable as it’s a lot less going forward.”
The society is run at Buile Hill Park and caters to all abilities, but membership offers a lot more than just training sessions.
“We charge £80 a month for two 90 minute sessions per week and £100 a month for three. On top of that people get nutrition coaching and home workout plans if they can’t attend.
“They get two personal trainers with 24/7 access on top of the training. The training is 30% of it, 70% is diet so if they’re really serious about their goals this is a great opportunity for them to get there.”

Salford Now also spoke to Sarah, another of U-First’s personal trainers, who divulged more about the nutrition aspect:
“We’re both personal trainers and nutrition coaches, myself and Anthony, and we’re both firm believers they come hand in hand for creating a healthier lifestyle, not just physically but mentally.
“So we don’t just do the training and leave our guys to it, we support them every step of the way.
“That means full nutrition coaching. We look at their goals, their age and lifestyle and what they want to achieve and come up with a bespoke nutrition plan for every one of our members.”
The Sessions are run every Monday and Thursday with a morning slot alongside two evening sessions. The morning sessions run from 7 to 8:20 am. The first evening session is run from 6 to 7:30 pm with a session after running from 7:30 to 9 pm. They also provide a pay-as-you-go Saturday session from 8:30 to 10 am at an extra £7.50 per session alongside a ‘Saturday Special membership’ to save even more.
To sign up for U-First Fitness Society, you can visit their website.
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