Lordy Park in Cadishead has reopened after a five-week reconstruction of the playground has taken place.
The redevelopment of Lordy Park, situated at Cadishead Recreation Ground, has cost up to £100,000, which includes upgrades to the park’s equipment as well as introducing a disability friendly roundabout and swing set.

Labour Councillor for Cadishead and Lower Irlam, Lewis Nelson, said: “Cadishead very much is not a forgotten-about community, so securing an investment and improving the town is number one on our agenda”.
The mayor of Salford, Paul Dennett, visited the park for its reopening earlier this month to get across his message that “parks are at the hearts of our communities”.
Fantastic to meet Reuben age 19 months and Maisey age 6 today. They were on hand to help cut the ribbon on the playground at the revamped Lordy Park. Parks are at the hearts of our communities so great to meet local councillors in Cadishead and Lower Irlam ward #SpiritOfSalford pic.twitter.com/zdomFFgsth
— SalfordMayor (@salford_mayor) October 17, 2021
The Friends of Lordy Park were an integral part of the park’s reconstruction, with Chairmen Craig Havern saying: “With Covid and everything that put us back like 18 months, I was getting to a stage where I thought it was never going to happen.

“But now I must admit there was goosebumps and tears on the day that the old park was being demolished and the new one being opened. I am very, very pleased – we all are.”
The Friends of Lordy park are now also looking ahead with the next two phases of their plan, which includes plans for a new zip line as well as an outdoor classroom for children to learn.
These phases however need fundraising, with another £80,000 needed for their next stage.
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