New Bailey has announced a 2nd community litter pick in collaboration with Salford Litter Picking Heroes and Salford City Council as part of the Great British Spring Clean.
Taking place at the New Bailey on Wednesday, June 9th at 12pm, the announcement follows a first successful community litter pick back in March, with equipment being provided by Salford City Council and Salford Litter Picking Heroes.
The litter pick coincides with the Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Great British Spring Clean’ between May 28th and June 13th, aiming to encourage outdoor exercise alongside maintaining the cleanliness of the UK’s streets and beaches.
Do you love New Bailey? Let’s keep it litter free! ♻️
We listened to your feedback after our after our first ever community litter pick in March, and are holding a 2nd one during the week so more of you can join us! 💚
Sign up here :
— New Bailey (@NewBaileyM3) June 1, 2021
“As the UK’s largest mass-action environmental campaign, we are hoping this year will be bigger and better than ever,” said Keep Britain Tidy
“Our outdoor spaces have proved more important than ever before this past year, and that’s why this year we’re aiming to collectively achieve a million miles of litter-picking with The Great British Spring Clean.”
The ‘#MillionMileMission’ sees lockdown’s one hour of exercise recycled into something with a new purpose, hoping to use the hour time slot of exercise as guidance for the length of time spent litter picking; “if the average person walks one mile in 20 minutes, then you could travel three miles in an hour.” said Salford City Council, who have pledged to take part.
“If 250,000 people pledged to pick up litter for an hour and 20 minutes each, we would have litter picked for a million miles – that’s to the moon and back twice!
We're delighted to be supporting @KeepBritainTidy's #GBSpringClean!
From 28 May to 13 June, #LitterHeroes in Salford will be supporting this special campaign and the #MillionMileMission to litter pick this country clean.
Find out more and sign up here:
— Salford City Council (@SalfordCouncil) May 31, 2021
“Despite the difficulties with the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve been so pleased to see many local people still supporting community litter clean-ups in Salford. Over the past year, our outdoor spaces and places have mattered to us more than ever.
“We’re looking for people to join on Keep Britain Tidy’s #MillionMileMission to clean up the country and show some love for those special places that helped us through lockdown.”
The number of miles pledged currently stands at 978,769.35, and with just two weeks remaining of the Great British Spring Clean, the council is looking for volunteers, community groups and associations, schools, businesses, and anyone who is able to help support and lead on clean up campaigns in their local area.

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