A new homeless charity in Salford has gained 1.6k supporters and helped hundreds of people in just under two weeks.
“Two Brews” was founded on Christmas day 2020 by Salford residents who felt more needed to be done to tackle the homelessness crisis.

The organisation, which is run by volunteers, deliver hot food, drinks, sleeping bags, and many other essentials.
Jordan Parker, 28, volunteer for the charity, said, “Our hashtag is #ONEAIMONEMISSION, we want to find every person on the streets and make sure they’ve got everything they need. Monday to Sunday, 7 days a week”
“We take things like toothbrushes, shower gel, things that we all take for granted but to them its everything. It’s like Christmas day for them when you hand the stuff over”.
Jordan began working with the homeless around 20 months ago. He hopes the “Two Brews” organisation can make a huge impact around Greater Manchester.
“My first experience on the streets was really eye opening, to hear the stories of how they ended up there was very heart breaking”
“There was a lot homeless because of family domestics, domestic violence, soldiers who have come back from Iraq and Syria, so many different scenarios”
“They are dealing with so much, the cold, hunger, lack of hygiene, mental health problems, addiction, safety issues. The list is endless” he said.
One couple, who wish to stay anonymous, explained how without charities like “Two Brews” there is little hope for those living on the streets.
“They gave me clothes, food, everything. And not just that but a friend, someone to chat with. If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have got off drugs and turned our lives around”.
The couple became homeless around 9 months ago, after fleeing gang violence.
They are currently living in sheltered accommodation and feel a lot safer and happier.
However, their accommodation is only secured until March, meaning they could become homeless again.
“It’s scary, it’s not safe. Not safe for a man but for a woman it’s another level. Constant unwanted attention and remarks, offers of money and food in return for sexual acts”

“We were sleeping in a tent and I was sexually assaulted, we’d took a sleeping pill [sic] because we hadn’t slept for days. Someone came into the tent and started touching me, I woke up to this happening, to him in the tent doing this to me”
“I blame myself thinking is this my fault, what did I do for them to think it’s okay to do that. All I was doing was trying to get some sleep” said the lady.
As well as safety issues, the couple struggled with lack of food, shelter and hygiene products, especially during the lockdown periods when shops where closed.
“I did have to shoplift to get my girlfriend products at that time of the month, I’m not proud of it but what choice did I have”
“When it’s raining there is nowhere to get dry, you go to a train station and they kick you out, you go sit outside the shop and the police move you on”
“Fair enough we do beg, and I get some people on the streets aren’t the nicest. But there are a lot of people out there suffering with severe mental and physical health problems, nobody wants to live on the streets, circumstances bring you there” said the man.
The description of this couples’ time living on the street highlights how much help is needed for people without a home.
To get involved in the fight against homelessness please visit “Two Brews” on Facebook, where you will find an amazon wish list highlighting all essentials needed to help those less fortunate.
Or, private message the page to find out more information surrounding volunteer work, donations, and so much more.
“We take in all sorts, food, clothes, anything that you think would help someone living on the street, we will take” said Jordan.
To support the Two Brews #oneaimonemission click here.