A heartbroken dog owner from Swinton says she has been “blown away” by the support of the local and online community in their efforts to help find her missing dog.
Elaine Hardy, a Swinton resident, has been left heartbroken since her 18 month old pup Rosie went missing on December 8. Her appeal to find Rosie has since gone viral and has received huge support from the community.
Rosie and two other dogs went out into Elaine’s back garden at around 8:30pm that night. Both dogs were ready to come back inside after 10 minutes but Rosie was nowhere to be seen.
Since Rosie has gone missing, the support from people in Salford, as well as on social media has been much appreciated by Elaine Hardy.
She said: “The support has been amazing. I cry as much for Rosie as I do for the comments that people put. I’ve just been absolutely blown away by the community. Wardley, Salford, Swinton. All their pages.”

Elaine continued: “I walk out the door to people saying how sorry they are. I’ve had people offer to do leaflets. It’s been amazing, It really has (the support).
“Thank you from me to the community for caring and sharing as it’s kept my hopes up that there are some very kind people in Salford.”
Twitter users in particular have left streams of posts alerting users about the missing puppy.
#Missing #Swinton #Wardley Please retweet for Rosie 🐶 https://t.co/Fka4NT0pmX
— Karen Lesley (@KarenLesley6) December 14, 2020
Please RT#Rosie stolen from #Swinton pic.twitter.com/9v1GM5kLwd
— Leanne C 📱➕🚗=❌ (@lannyloo6398) December 14, 2020
🆘8 DEC 2020. UPDATED TO #STOLEN @gmpolice
ROSIE #Lost #ScanMe
Fox Red Labrador Retriever Female
York Avenue #Swinton #Manchester #GreaterManchester #M27 nr Swinton Cemetery in ManchesterSIGHTINGS PLZ☎️07903755417/ 07940200972https://t.co/hWJr8KnExDhttps://t.co/IntljKUmCX pic.twitter.com/mCmQ63lDKS
— chris towers (@millypod1) December 13, 2020
Elaine thinks Rosie was stolen by someone rather than getting lost and not being able to find her way home.
She said: “She’s not been stolen in the garden, we know that. But she’s gotten out of the garden onto a field that we back onto near Swinton cemetery.
“She was out for 10 mins max. We searched the area high and low.
“Nobody’s seen her, we’ve not had one single sighting.
“We’re on quite a big housing estate so she would’ve had to pass through houses and you would think someone would’ve seen her.
“The field isn’t big. It’s surrounded by houses with the cemetery on the other side.”
Rosie could get into the cemetery but because it’s locked at night she wouldn’t be able to get out. The only way out of the cemetery is off the field onto a housing estate.
Elaine explained just how much she misses Rosie and how desperate she is to have her home.
She said: “The house is so quiet because she’s very mischievous. She steals socks and slippers, she cuddles up on the couch.
“The house is just empty without her.
“When I get up in the morning she’s the first one that jumps up all over me…it’s just awful.”
She added: “She’s a very big part of the family.
“I’ve had a lot of dogs sent to me. But none of them are Rosie.”
If you have any information on Rosie’s whereabouts then get in touch with Dog Lost UK or contact 07903755417.
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