A Salford sports sciences student is offering free fitness sessions to the public via Instagram whilst gyms are closed in lockdown.
James Farrington runs the sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am and 6pm.
The sessions, which are open to all abilities, are accessed via his Instagram story @jfarringtonpt
View this post on Instagram
James said: “[The sessions] caters for all, so what I’d always do is when I give an exercise I give an easier alternative and a harder alternative so there’s three levels.
“It’s minimal equipment as well you don’t need a lot of equipment if you’ve no equipment just fill some water bottles up or [use] any weighted objects you have lying around.”
Week 43 of this year saw the second national lockdown implemented in the UK, which included the closure of gyms.
When asked whether he thought it was important to keep gyms open for mental health reasons, James agreed.
He said: “From my point of view its very important [to keep gyms open] if you look at the stats and stuff the infection rate is so low.
“I think they should’ve made an exception.”
You can watch the full interview with James below.
Boris Johnson has announced that following the lift of lockdown restrictions on December 2, gyms will be allowed to reopen.
In week 43 of the restrictions, only 2.8 per cent of positive testers reported that they had been in a gym. This comes from data provided by Test and Trace.
This is opposed to; 11.2 per cent in supermarkets, 7.4 per cent visiting a restaurant or a cafe and 6.8% attending a secondary school and 5.7 per cent in a primary school.
Below is a pie chart showing the locations reported by those who tested positive for Covid-19 in week 43.

You can find the latest government guidance and support regarding Covid-19 on www.gov.uk
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