A Salford man has taken on the ’10k 4 10k’ challenge of running 10k for 100 consecutive days.
Matt Maxwell took on this monumental quest back in August in support of Georgia’s Children of the World.
Since launching into this charitable event, Matt has completed 60 strenuous runs so far. And is also looking to complete a full marathon on the 5th of December.

Although Matt has conquered over 66 runs already, he stated that although “it’s quite lonely at times, it’s worth it.”
Salford and England Rugby legend, Adrian Morley is also a major supporter of the ’10k 4 10k’ campaign. And will run alongside Matt on his final 10k on the 1st of December. Every few weeks, the charity has invited the public to support the ’10k 4 10k’ campaign. This has involved participants running, walking, or even cycling their way around a 10k route.
Matt hopes to achieve a whopping total of £10,000 through his ’10k 4 10k’ campaign. This would go towards helping the disadvantaged children of Salford and those affected by the current Covid-19 pandemic. And would provide Christmas food parcels, and sports-themed Christmas presents to encourage children to stay active.
Steven Murray, Founder of Georgia’s Children of the World commented: “Matt’s done an incredible job so far, I thought he was nuts when he said he was going to do it, I still think he’s nuts now.
“This year our earnings have dropped considerably, but we’ve managed to make ends meet which is awesome and that all been down to people like Matt.
“Hopefully, when Matt does hit that crazy 100th run, people will think he deserves at least a tenner.”
In addition, a third of these charitable earnings will also go to support Heidi Lou, 8, Salford.
Heidi Lou suffers from severe Cerebral Palsy and is bravely undergoing an extensive hip reconstruction operation. This will inevitably require months of physiotherapy which Georgia’s Children of the World are proud sponsors of.
About Georgia’s Children of the World Charity
Georgia’s Children of the World is a local Salford Charity, which was created in memory of Georgia Lousie Murray.
Known and described as ‘an amazing young woman who cared deeply for others’ Georgia sadly passed away in November of 2010, after complications occurred in her 3rd open-heart surgery.
Once the Charity was launched it has raised over £300,000 for both local and international projects.
However, the current pandemic has had a profound impact on fundraising events such as G-fest.
Steve Murray said: “Obviously this year has been a struggle…If we are stopped from doing events next year it will have a massive impact
“And it could potentially mean the end of Georgia’s legacy, which is pretty destressing
Adding: “But we’ve given it a good crack and if it does come to that I’ll be proud of what we’ve done.”
For more information on how you can get involved in this exceptional local charity, click here.
And to visit the Just giving page, click here.
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