Plans to build 161 brand new terraces in Langworthy are set to go ahead.
The developers in the project, Salix Homes and Step Places, have suggested that it will “reinvent” terraced housing by getting neighbours to talk to one another.
They have requested Salford City Council to build 115 houses and 46 apartments on two brownfield sites at Kara Street and Liverpool Street, dominated already with terraced housing.
Salix Homes and Step Places also say: “Our scheme is purposefully designed to not only encourage interaction among neighbours, but also to ensure that any person regardless of income or tenure aspiration can enjoy the same style and size of home with the same external façade as anyone else.
“We want the characteristic of Salford’s industrial heritage, and sense of community where people looked after their neighbour to be reinforced with this development“.
The rise in Salford for housing is certainly sky high, City Mayor Paul Dennett says Salford is expecting 40,000 new homes by 2040, due to the job opportunities within the area.