A Salford Green Party member has praised Salford’s position as the most climate friendly area in the North West.
Wendy Olsen, Professor at Manchester University and member of Salford Green Party, said:
“We’re all very proud of the eco-friendly reputation of Salford.”
She praised Salford council’s move to declare a climate emergency and highlighted initiatives by schools such as Moorside Community Primary School who have set up an eco-council.
Environmental campaign group Friends of the Earth recently published research that showed that Salford is the most climate friendly area in the North West.
However, Friends of the Earth warned that Salford was not producing enough renewable energy.
Prof. Olsen explained that it is not always easy for people to set up renewable energy sources for their home, saying:
“My neighbours have solar but I can’t afford to do all the changes in my house that it would need.”
She says that for it to succeed the “solar panel scheme needs the support of central government”
For this to happen Prof. Olsen believes that a change of government is required and called for a general election.
She also criticised a council proposition to build a foot bridge over the River Irwell at the crescent as “you’d have to cut down a lot of mature trees and they’re holding up the banks of the river.”
Professor Olsen often partakes in community clean up events to try and raise awareness.
She said:
“I think that everybody could do with, instead of criticising litter actually get involved in removing it. Because when people see you doing that then they realise, yeah this is a community”
Professor Olsen believes that the future is not lost and that residents of Salford should “Stand up, feel proud, don’t be negative and hope for the future.”
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